How to Survive Without a Parachute

The parachute is the most important thing when you’re jumping off an aircraft. The idea of jumping without one is practically stupid. Other skydivers are still finding a way to land on the ground without one by using wing suits.

No one in there right mind would jump out of an airplane without a parachute but when your thousands of feet up in the air there is still potentials for danger. Something can go when you’re training, just for the thrill of it, or while in an airplane. Fortunately there are ways that you can survive without a parachute.

Airline disasters and failed parachutes can still happen. In this situation you’re free falling up in the air without a parachute to help you land safely. Skydiving may look fun in photographs, and the people look like they are having the time of their lives but real life isn’t always picture perfect. You don’t have to be paranoid but being mentally alert doesn’t hurt.

Unplanned freefall and survival

You are about to make the first jump in your life or finally put those skydiving lesson to use. Everything is going well. You have applied proper body position and are currently on free fall. Your fear starts to subside and realized what a fool you are for acting like a coward when your feet were on solid ground. You initiate the deployment sequence and then suddenly something goes wrong.

In this situation your main canopy either fails to inflate, get tangled in the line or tore apart. Thinking back to your lessons, you deploy the reserve. Unfortunately the reserve does not work and you’re left pretty much free falling in the sky.

The first thing that you have to do is to stop panicking and think. Skydivers get off the plane at 12,000 feet above the ground. During free fall you’re going at 125 miles per hour. At 125 miles per hour you’re going to travel at 12,000 feet in one minute.

You only have 60 seconds to come up with a plan. The next thing to do is look for something that may break your fall or at least reduce the impact. Look for a body of water and dive. Make sure that the water will be deep enough.

If there’s no water look for trees. Look for a conifer type of tree such as a redwood. If there are no trees and the suburbs loom ahead try to land on the roof of an RV or mobile home.

In other cases when an airline disaster strikes, there are also ways that you can survive the ordeal. It’s natural to panic at 35,000 feet, but don’t lose hope, because at 15,000 feet you will get your chance. First look for parachutes that may be lying around in the cargo hold or any piece of wreckage that’s flat and aerodynamically suitable.

In other cases you may still be in your seat while free falling. Get off and look for trees. A tree with an excurrent growth pattern is ideal. You can also use snow and steer yourself to land by putting your arms at your sides.

If those options are not available the last resort would be landing at your side so that 5 parts of your body equally absorb the shock.