Find out what it means to be a HSP

This ebook will explain what it means to be a HSP through the use of carefully selected HSP related pics from Pinterest.

If you are wanting to understand yourself better as a HSP, then this book is highly recommended.

HSP, or Highly Sensitive People, account for 20% of the population, equally divided between men and women.

Contains 37 Pages.

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Enjoy this excerpt from the ebook.

Triggers and Needs

It is also important to know:

– what the triggers are in the case of the physical and emotional HSP,

– what your specific HSP needs are.

How to use for yourself

I would therefore suggest reading each pic in this ebook and write down on a piece of paper which parts mentioned in the pic you feel apply to you.

You could perhaps do this on a page with 2 columns: triggers and needs.

This may help you understand yourself better in terms of what sets off your emotional reactions and what your specific HSP related needs are.

This may in turn help you develop strategies to address both your HSP triggers and needs.

How to use with your partner

If you are involved in a relationship with a non-HSP who wants to understand you better, then perhaps you could go through this ebook together, with you pointing out to him/her which parts you feel represent you.