mesothelioma are you at risk

Mesothelioma– Are You At Risk?

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare type of cancer that
occurs when cancerous cells grow in the mesothelium.
The mesothelium is a protective lining that is on most
of your internal organs. Typically, mesothelioma is
attributed to asbestos exposure when someone inhales
particles and they become lodged in the lungs.

To be in the “at risk” category, odds are you had to
have come into contact with asbestos at one time or
another. Asbestos is a mass of flexible fibrous
material that is naturally found in the Earth.

For many years it was used in common goods such as
shingles, brake pads, cement, flooring, and
insulation. The mining process as well as the plants
that manufactured products containing asbestos are the
top contributors to mesothelioma.

Unfortunately, many more people come into contact than
just the laborers. Their families are at great risk
because the particles come home on clothing and can
get all over the place. Laundry is a big factor.
Anyone who has handled the clothing of the workers is
at risk as well. This includes commercial laundry
facilities as well as homes.

Asbestos was almost completely banned in 1989 but it
has been in use since the late 1800s and peaked with
World War II. Mesothelioma takes anywhere from 20 to
50 years to show up so many people today are feeling
the effects of the 40s, 50s, and 60s. An X-ray, CT
scan, or MRI can tell you if you have mesothelioma. If
you have ever been around asbestos, it’s a good idea
to mention that to your physician.