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Christmas Gift Baskets

With Christmas fast approaching, it’s time to get going on our preparations for the festive season. However, shopping for great gifts for family and friends can be a shocking jolt to your wallet. Here’s where homemade gifts really shine. One unbeatable gift idea is to make Christmas gift baskets. You don’t need to stick with the traditional sausage, cheese, tea and jam themes. Here’s your chance to give a truly thoughtful, personalized and beautiful gift that comes from the heart. Chances are good that the recipient will treasure a personalized Christmas gift basket over a cashmere sweater.

All you need for a perfectly lovely Christmas gift basket is wrapping paper, ribbon, contents and of course, the basket. Now’s the time to let your imagination run free.

Perhaps your recipient is crazy about quilting. You can go to any large fabric store and pick up “fat quarters” which are ¼ to ½ yard remnants of fabric, usually packaged in groups of similar fabric types. Quilters love these. Ask the store clerk about the hot new quilter’s gadgets. Spools of metallic quilter’s threads, fancy trims and ribbons are welcome treats in Christmas gift baskets for quilters. Choose a basket shape that can serve to store supplies after the contents are used.

Fishing enthusiasts enjoy all that tackle. You’ll find aisles of lures and bait and assorted gadgetry. The avid cook never met a utensil, tool, bread pan or garlic press they didn’t like. Whatever your giftee’s interests, there are specialty stores that cater to them.

Just match the interests of your recipient to any basket idea. This technique makes it easy to develop your theme, colors and decorations.

Today, there are so many shapes and sizes of baskets readily available, you’re sure to find beautiful choices suited to every person on your list. Craft stores, hardware stores, grocery stores, flea markets and pet stores are good places to look.

Wrapping papers are almost limitless, from foils and holographic papers to fancy tissue printed designs. Tissue paper is well suited as an elegant liner for all Christmas gift baskets. Christmas gift baskets containing food look beautiful when the entire basket is wrapped in cellophane with a fancy gold or lace ribbon. Silk flowers, holly sprigs and tiny ornaments may be attached with a glue gun. Think of the possibilities.

Christmas gift baskets are winners for everyone. Your recipients are delighted. Your feet are saved a few miles of walking in crowded malls. Your wallet is fat and happy. You get the fun of putting each memorable basket together, which helps get your Christmas spirit up and running. Say, do I smell cookies baking?