The Physique Formula – How To Get Your Ultimate Body

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On this EXACT page, I’m going to reveal the ONE main reason why your body will not ALLOW you to lose stubborn fat and get ripped.Then I’m going to provide you with the most advanced, strategic and fastest plan to help you SUPERCHARGE your average metabolism in as little as 30 days….

As I started getting hired by elite mixed martial artists and NHL athletes, I began to look deeper and deeper into the actual research behind fast and permanent fat loss.

The old “law of thermodynmics” otherwise known as “calories in versus calories out” just flat out DOESN’T worked and has NEVER worked.

Maybe it worked for a week but it doesn’t work for 3 months or 3 years to achieve that lean look at you want.

How many times have you cut calories to lose weight only to continually find yourself hitting a wall time and time again?

You end up burning yourself out because you figure that you need to eat even LESS than you did before?

You know what else will happen to you? You’ll be a left with a metabolism so damaged from the lack of calories and hours of exercise that you minute you start to raise your calories again you’ll gain A LOT of weight back FAST

Long term caloric restriction just flat out DOESN’T work. It attempts to make fat loss a math problem. The FACT is, when you restrict calories and eliminate certain foods from your diet, all you’re left with is INTENSE hunger and the metabolism of a SLOTH.

This creates an interesting problem however. If you have to…