Why should you Consider Buying Two Kittens Together?

Why should you Consider Buying Two Kittens Together?

You aren’t likely to get two for the price of one, and when it comes to kittens it’s not cheaper to buy them in bulk when it comes to food and kitty litter either, but there are some compensations that make it worth thinking about. Aside from saving you the initial indecision of whether you want the smart talking black and white kitty, or the cute fluffy ginger tabby, buying two kittens together can actually make sense.

Taking a kitten away from its mother can be traumatic for the kitty. Suddenly, everything is strange. There’s a stranger person fussing it and it’s not fun anymore because it can’t see its momma. The siblings aren’t there and they are sitting alone in a box, in a place they don’t recognize, and they’re terrified! Buying two kittens from the same owner should mean that you are buying siblings, or at least two kittens that have been in contact with each other during their first wobbly weeks.

Aside from creating this security blanket of familiarity, the next best reason for buying two kittens is that you’re less likely to turn your home into a cat war zone! Instead of waging war against your sofa, rugs and drapes to relieve the boredom, the kittens will chase each other. Ok, so they may chase each other up the drapes, but that’ll soon wear off (about the time they get too heavy to hang there without gravity pulling them downwards) and it’ll be fleeting as they run around the room rather than literally hanging there looking for the best vantage point to view the birds outside!

The kittens will play fight and then they’ll snuggle up together. They’ll both vie for your attention, and yet maintain a united front as they stalk about your home and yard daring other intruders to enter. They’ll share a dish of milk and food, but fight over the same toy. Two kittens may require more money to keep than one, but they provide twice as much love and amusement, and great company for each other which is the best advantage of all if you’re out at work most of the day.