Facts On Allergies

Allergies point to the exaggerated reaction as posed by the immune system as a response to any physical contact with the substances that seem foreign to the body. The reaction is labeled as exaggerated simply because the body itself deems these substances as harmless. At the same time, those who are non-allergic have non-responsive bodies. The reaction turns in when the body realizes that there are certain foreign substances that it gets in contact with and automatically a part of the immune system is activated.

Allergens and their Nature

The allergens are those that produce the allergy. Some known allergens include the dust mite, pollens, foods, dander, and molds, among others. Simply put, the allergens are those foreign substances which when it gets in contact with the body can cause the allergic reaction. However, not all individuals exude the exaggerated reaction. There are those who don’t have the allergy on any of the above mentioned allergens.

The term allergic also goes by the name “atopic”. It means that your immune system gets turned on as a response to the foreign substances that gets near your body. You develop that allergic reaction when your body inappropriately reacts to the allergens. Hence, you are called allergic or atopic if you are too prone to the allergy.

Allergy and its Etymology

The term “allergy” is rooted from the Greek words “allos” or changed or different and then “ergos” that means action or work. The word likewise points out the “altered reaction” which the body succumbs to. It was firstly used in the year 1905 to define the adverse reaction of the children who received multiple shots of horse serum to fight against infection.

Determining the Causes

There are several causes that provoke any kind of allergy to develop. It can be due to dust mite, food, pets, and many others. The reaction can be in the form of eye itching, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, skin itching, rash breakout, and the list goes on.

As you know, the body has the immune system which fights off the foreign organisms that get into the body or those which are otherwise termed as the “foreign invaders” or infections. The antigens then provoke the generation of the antibodies and depending on the internal process, they may result to allergic reactions.

Like the army, the immune system aims to ruin the enemy. The protective proteins which are known as antibodies mean to target those foreign invaders. The antibodies or immuno-globulins protectively reach towards the surface and call every immune cell to action. The different types of immuno-globulins are IgA, IgM, IgG, IgD, and IgE. The latter is the one that functions as the antibody.

The Ones at Risk

The rationale behind the question “Why are some people allergic while some are not?” can be further explained by heredity as one of the many factors. The same reaction can be passed on from one generation to another. It is to be made clear that you may not necessarily carry the same allergy or disease like what your parents have or sometimes you may not exhibit the symptoms. Another factor to blame is the environment. The exposure to allergen can provoke the allergic reaction.

Allergies may develop despite the age. In fact, some people get them while they are yet in the womb. Children can carry them towards their adulthood. Some individuals experience the breakout during their adult stage.