Symptoms Associated With Chronic Adrenal Fatigue: Facts That You Should Know

The adrenal glands are basically two glandular organs that perform vital functions of your nervous system. It basically has 4 primary roles to regulate your nervous system. These glands produce hormones that control blood flow, fight or flight tendencies, natural pain control as well as your bodys sex hormones.

Basically, the adrenal glands are essential as it directly affects how you feel. One particular hormone that the adrenal glands produce is the adrenaline. This particular hormone is also known as the fight or flight hormone. It is produced when your body needs power and energy quickly and it is usually produced when you are under stress.

The adrenaline is basically called as the super energy hormone because it gives the person a boost of energy where the person will be able to do feats that seems impossible to do under normal circumstances. In fact, there are even reports where a person lifted something very heavy because their house was on fire.

However, too much adrenaline can cause you to experience headaches, excessive sweating, and even nervousness. Heart palpitations and anxiety are also symptoms associated with the body producing too much adrenaline.

Another particular hormone that the adrenal glands produce is the nor-epinephrine. This particular hormone cause massive amounts of blood flow to go from the central areas of the body to the periphery areas. This particular hormone is also produced when a person is under stress. A good example would be being chased by a dangerous animal, such as a tiger, which will obviously give you a lot of speed when you run. In simpler terms, the nor-epinephrine sends blood to the muscles in your body that needs it the most.

However, overproduction of this hormone can cause depression.

Cortisol is another hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is supplied to the body in order to help the individual to deal with pain during fight or flight time. A good example would be soldiers running away from heavy enemy fire. Even if they get hit by a bullet in their leg or arms, they wont feel any pain at all. One major side effect of having too much of this hormone is that the patient will be puffy and that they may gain weight.

The fourth hormone produced by the adrenal glands is the DHEA. This is basically a precursor for other hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Imbalances in this hormone can cause strength loss, irritability, moodiness, and even increased hair loss and decreased sexual drive or libido.

Stress is one of the major factors that can affect the production of hormone in the adrenal glands. This will get the adrenal glands to go in to exhaustion where you will feel fatigued. Prolonged periods of adrenal fatigue can result to symptoms associated with the condition called adrenal fatigue syndrome.

If you suffer from this condition, your adrenal glands will be exhausted to the point that its function will be slowed down. In some cases, it can even come to a halt and people will start to begin relying on artificial stimulants, such as energy drinks, coffee, and even sugar.

As you can see, exhausting your adrenal glands can cause you to feel fatigued. It is important for you to know about the symptoms in order for you to know how to intervene. By learning about the symptoms of adrenal fatigue syndrome, you will be able to have an idea on how to treat it.